Friday, July 5, 2024

Malians protest presence of foreign troops in the country

Protesters numbering about 1,000 protesters demonstrated in Bamako, the Malian capital on Saturday, against the continued stay of foreign troops and their influence.

These demonstrators condemned the influence of France and the UN peacekeeping force known as MINUSMA in Sevare, near the central city of Mopti.

Professor Clément Dembele is the President of the platform against corruption and unemployment said;

“We have gathered here to ask for the establishment of a Franco-Russian partnership because we see that two thirds of Malians live in insecurity and risk disappearing, it’s very existence is at risk”.

The UN and witnesses claim the protesters ransacked a dozen UN supply containers .

They were accused of looting electrical equipment, air-conditioners and mattresses.

The fragile Sahel country hosts the French military mission in the Sahel and UN peacekeeping force as well as contingents from a five-nation anti-jihadist group.

Northern Mali fell into the hands of jihadists in 2012 before the militants were forced out by the French-led military intervention.

Much of the region is still unstable and jihadist-led violence has spread to the centre of the country. Thus often igniting ethnic tensions.

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