Sunday, July 7, 2024

Shock, skepticism trail alleged suicide in police cell by Rwandan musician Kizito Mihigo

Rwandan musician Kizito Mihigo who was taken into custody last week after he reportedly attempted to flee the country has allegedly taken his own life, police say.

Kizito Mihigo was found dead in a police cell at Remera police station in the capital, Kigali, early Monday morning..

They had expected to charge him with bribery and attempting to leave the country for the purpose of going to join a rebel group.

Rwanda’s news agency shared a police statement about the death on twitter and it reads:

Troubled singer Kizito Mihigo has allegedly committed suicide, according to
Rwanda police statement, this Monday morning, Kizito was found dead in police cell at Remera Station. He was recently arrested while attempting to bribe his way out of the country illegally.

Five year years ago Kizito was sentenced to 10 years in jail after being convicted of planning to kill President Paul Kagame and inciting hatred against the government.

He was pardoned by the president in 2018 on condition he only leave the country with judicial permission.

Many on twitter have described his death as murder one user @Dryleaf wrote; ‘Filtered news, put clear he has been murdered by security forces….. I hate tyrants who denies citizens rights especially right to life.’

Another user Kwalikunda Agatha wrote; ‘I still cannot understand how someone can commit suicide in a police cell!, how, what does he use to commit suicide, where does he get the gadgets to kill himself?? Alot of questions! Something doesn’t add up here!’

GWETH @D EAST sums up the mood of everyone by saying: ‘Rwanda is a beautiful lady laced in makeup but her heart is DARK and DIRTY. Rest in Peace Kizito.’

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